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Terms and conditions


These TERMS OF USE of the WEBSITE apply to any person – USER* – who uses the Global Standards S.C., hereinafter referred to as GLOBAL STANDARDS, web WEBSITE for online courses.

By accessing or using the WEBSITE, the USER acknowledges its content and fully understands and accepts the rights and obligations derived from the use of its services, materials, functionalities, and other available content, and which are described in this document.

We reserve the right to modify the TERMS OF USE, the CONTENTS, the design, functionality and location of the WEBSITE, the services at any time and without prior notice, of which all users will be duly informed by means of an appropriate notice on the WEBSITE. We shall not be liable for any damages caused to users or third parties related to the modifications described above.

If at any time the USER does not agree in whole or in part with these TERMS OF USE, the USER must immediately refrain from using the WEBSITE in any of its parts or sections.

* Any reference to USERS made in these TERMS OF USE includes both registered and unregistered users of the WEBSITE.


Any person who completes the electronic registration form during the initial login to the system may register and is considered a registered USER of the WEBSITE.

To register, the USER must acknowledge the registration rules set forth herein, complete the registration procedure, provide accurate, complete, and truthful data, and unconditionally accept all and choose a username and password.

You may not use, as a username, the name of another person or entity, or a name that is not legally available for your use, or a name or trademark subject to any rights of another person or entity, or a name that is otherwise offensive, vulgar, or obscene. Such usernames will be deleted without notice.

The registration of the USER is only possible with the unconditional acceptance of these TERMS OF USE and with the consent to the collection and use of personal data in accordance with the legal provisions in force and the provisions of the Privacy Policy which is part of these TERMS OF USE. Upon completion of the registration process, each user receives his or her own user account.

By registering, the USER agrees to receive notices related to the administration or use of the WEBSITE and its CONTENT by GLOBAL STANDARDS, the natural or legal persons designated, contracted, or authorized by GLOBAL STANDARDS.

The USER shall be obliged to register or sign up on the WEBSITE, only when specifically requested to do so in order to access the services and CONTENTS. The USER is responsible for safeguarding the authentication information, including the password used to access the WEBSITE.
The password for the access account endorsed by GLOBAL STANDARDS is for the exclusive use and control of the USER and GLOBAL STANDARDS.

The USER agrees to act diligently and establish the necessary and reasonable means to prevent the unauthorized use of his/her password; the USER also accepts and acknowledges that the USER will be responsible for the consequences arising from the misuse of the password and the breach of the obligations indicated and established herein.

The USER is obliged to verify that, when leaving the WEBSITE, he/she has closed its corresponding session, validating that their “user” and “password” are not registered in the electronic device used; this in order to prevent an unauthorized third party from making improper use of the WEBSITE. It is the responsibility of the USER to notify the person in charge of the WEBSITE in case of knowledge of the probable misuse of their password to access the WEBSITE.

The termination of the registration does not eliminate the responsibility of the USER for possible violations and damages inflicted during the period of validity of his registration.

Access and use of the WEBSITE is subject to registration and payment by the USER to GLOBAL STANDARDS, and compliance with the requirements established by the latter. However, GLOBAL STANDARDS may grant partial or total access to certain information, functionalities, services, and other CONTENT available through the WEBSITE to non-registered users.

The USER shall be entitled to receive certain service(s) offered by GLOBAL STANDARDS via Internet through the WEBSITE with the payment(s) of the chosen registration. Each service has an independent cost and in no sense shall it be understood that the payment of one service grants the benefit of using any other.

GLOBAL STANDARDS reserves the right to suspend, deny or remove the USER’s registration and access to the WEBSITE and any of the CONTENTS at any time and without prior notice to the USER; for any reason including without limitation to those USERS who misuse the WEBSITE or any of its parts or sections or the CONTENTS, carry out PROHIBITED PRACTICES or who totally or partially breach these TERMS OF USE or the applicable SPECIFIC CONDITIONS.


GLOBAL STANDARDS is the owner of the copyrights of the textual and graphic CONTENT of this WEBSITE, which is protected by the Federal Copyright Law in Mexico and other laws on the subject, whether international and/or of the United Mexican States, and/or has the necessary permissions for the use of third-party information contained in this WEBSITE.

The WEBSITE contains names of natural and legal persons, names of products or services, trademarks, logos, images, graphics, and other content subject to the protection of intellectual property rights -PROTECTED CONTENT- held by GLOBAL STANDARDS or third parties.

Therefore, it is forbidden to copy, transmit, retransmit, transcribe, store, alter, modify, edit, translate, reproduce, distribute, lease, provide use, publish, communicate to unauthorized third parties, and create derivative works of the CONTENT of the WEBSITE by any electronic or mechanical means, without written permission from GLOBAL STANDARDS. It is also not allowed to include information from this WEBSITE in other servers or documents without written permission from GLOBAL STANDARDS and only through the procedures established by GLOBAL STANDARDS within this WEBSITE.

Access to, or use of the WEBSITE or the CONTENT, does not grant the USER any license, right of use, right of exploitation, transfer of rights or any other right related to the PROTECTED CONTENT, nor does it grant any authorization with respect to the use of intellectual property; except to the extent and in the manner explicitly specified in the provisions of these TERMS OF USE or a corresponding separate agreement. All rights not expressly granted are reserved to GLOBAL STANDARDS.
With the chosen registration fee, GLOBAL STANDARDS only grants the USER a non-exclusive, permanent, and limited right to use only the textual documents, formats and templates provided, exclusively for implementation in his business, to copy them in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, to translate them, to adapt them or to edit them.
The USER agrees to respect all Intellectual Property rights over the CONTENTS and elements used on the WEBSITE.

Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved for GLOBAL STANDARDS.


The WEBSITE contains PROTECTED CONTENT owned by GLOBAL STANDARDS and third parties: information, documents, templates, formats, lessons, exercises, assessments, quizzes, functionalities, images, graphics, audio, and video resources.

The USER may make personal use of the PROTECTED CONTENT and the elements found on the WEBSITE on a temporary basis, within the term of the course or service to which USER is enrolled; using only the means or procedures established and indicated therein.


The WEBSITE contains sections duly marked for its use, intended for interaction with or among the USERS registered in the WEBSITE services, in a way that allows transmitting, uploading, publishing and exchanging information, comments, reviews, recommendations, opinions and attitudes.

The publication of INTERACTIVE CONTENT on the WEBSITE does not signify that we are responsible for, endorse, approve, recommend, or promote in any way the information, statements or facts, attitudes, opinions or conclusions contained or exchanged therein.
We reserve the right, but assume no obligation, to monitor, change, remove or refuse to post any INTERACTIVE CONTENT posted; without notice and without explanation. However, we will not control or constantly monitor all INTERACTIVE CONTENT and, therefore, cannot guarantee the accuracy, truthfulness, origin, content, or availability thereof.
We are obligated to immediately remove any illegal INTERACTIVE CONTENT, once identified, due to a violation of these TERMS OF USE.
For any comments or information concerning the WEBSITE CONTENTS, the USER shall contact the Global Standards Training-Online support (training-online@globalstd.com).


The WEBSITE, its services, materials, and functionalities have links duly marked for your use, both to other WEBSITEs owned by GLOBAL STANDARDS, as well as to third party WEBSITEs – LINKS -.
The publication of LINKS on the WEBSITE is intended to provide complementary information to the CONTENT and services of the WEBSITE. This does not mean that we endorse, approve, recommend, or promote in any way the information, statements or facts, attitudes, opinions or conclusions contained therein; neither does it mean that we guarantee the accuracy, truthfulness, origin, content or availability thereof. However, we are obligated to remove without notice and without explanation any LINKS containing or referring to prohibited content immediately upon receipt of notice.
For any comments or information concerning the LINKS, the USER shall contact Global Standards Training-Online support.


The USER agrees to use the WEBSITE and the PROTECTED CONTENT diligently, correctly, lawfully and in accordance with the provisions of these TERMS OF USE; in such a way that it does not damage, render useless, deteriorate, or impair totally or partially, and does not harm the rights or interests of GLOBAL STANDARDS, of persons related to it or of third parties.


The USER is not allowed to:

  • • Use the WEBSITE or the available PROTECTED CONTENT in a manner that may cause damage to GLOBAL STANDARDS, other users or third parties.
  • • Falsify the USER identity for the purpose of misleading GLOBAL STANDARDS, other users or third parties.
  • • Obtain or attempt to obtain information, messages, graphics, drawings, sound or image files, photographs, recordings, software and in general, any kind of material accessible through the WEBSITE or the CONTENTS.
  • • Copy, disseminate, store, modify, reproduce, distribute, create derivative work, or use in any form for profit or non-profit purposes the PROTECTED CONTENT and the elements used in the WEBSITE, without written authorization from GLOBAL STANDARDS.
  • • Modify or manipulate the trademarks, logos, commercial notices, commercial names, and distinctive signs in general of GLOBAL STANDARDS, of the WEBSITE or of the persons directly or indirectly linked to GLOBAL STANDARDS unless written authorization has been given.
  • • Delete, circumvent, or modify the PROTECTED CONTENTS and the elements used in the WEBSITE, as well as the technical protection devices, or any mechanism or procedure established in the WEBSITE.
  • • Post, transmit or exchange any false, misleading, offensive, vulgar, threatening, racist or chauvinistic information and comments; information considered as unauthorized disclosure of personal data or as a violation of the privacy rights of users or third parties; as well as any prohibited content or other information that may cause damage to GLOBAL STANDARDS or other users or third parties.


To access the WEBSITE and any of its services and CONTENTS, it is necessary for the USER to previously provide GLOBAL STANDARDS with certain personal data – PERSONAL DATA – which GLOBAL STANDARDS may or may not manage automatically. The USER will be authorizing GLOBAL STANDARDS to carry out analyses and studies based on them.
The USER is obliged to provide true and reliable PERSONAL DATA, and in case he/she does not wish to provide them in the requested parts of the WEBSITE, he/she must refrain from using that or those parts or sections of the WEBSITE. In case the USER provides false or misleading information, GLOBAL STANDARDS may deny him/her access to the WEBSITE and the CONTENTS within it, without prejudice to the possibility of requesting compensation.
If the USER or GLOBAL STANDARDS has access to the confidential information of the other party while using the WEBSITE, the party obtaining such information shall ensure and maintain the total confidentiality of such information. GLOBAL STANDARDS will not share with third parties any personal information that has been provided.

By providing the USER PERSONAL DATA on the WEBSITE, the USER is authorizing GLOBAL STANDARDS to disclose to any competent authority the respective information in case it is requested by the appropriate legal means.


The USER is responsible for any damage or harm of any nature caused by non-compliance with these TERMS OF USE or any applicable regulation, and therefore releases GLOBAL STANDARDS from any civil, criminal, administrative or any other type of liability.

In case GLOBAL STANDARDS is sanctioned or condemned by a competent authority in any procedure related to civil, criminal, administrative or any other kind of liability, it will notify the responsible USER, who must pay GLOBAL STANDARDS the amount it has been condemned to cover, as well as the costs, fees and other expenses incurred, within 15 calendar days after the notification. In case of delay of payment in the term indicated, the USER is obliged to pay GLOBAL STANDARDS as a conventional punishment, an amount equivalent to the principal amount.

In no event shall GLOBAL STANDARDS, its directors, officers, employees, partners, suppliers, or affiliates be liable for indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages resulting from:
Your access, use or inability to access or use the WEBSITE.
Any conduct or content of a third party within the WEBSITE.
Unauthorized access, use or alteration of your transmissions or CONTENT in tort, negligence, or any other identified legal determination; whether or not we have been informed of the possibility of such damage, and even if a remedy set forth herein is found to have failed of its original purpose.
The USER acknowledges and accepts that access to the WEBSITE and use of the CONTENTS are under its exclusive and strict responsibility, therefore GLOBAL STANDARDS shall not be liable at any time and under any circumstances for any damage or problem that may occur in the hardware or software used by the USER to access or navigate any part of the WEBSITE.
We limit our liability, to the maximum extent permitted by law, for damages arising from any cause whatsoever to the maximum amount of money you paid for a course, service, or other content.

Our service offerings on the WEBSITE are constantly being updated.
There may exist a possibility that they are incorrectly priced, incorrectly described, or unavailable. And we may experience delays in updating information and in our advertising on the WEBSITE. We reserve the right to change or update information and to correct errors, inaccuracies, or omissions at any time without notice.

Payments made by the USER to GLOBAL STANDARDS through the WEBSITE or by any other means, for registration, payment for additional services, or any other payment, will not be refundable.
However, there are circumstances that would allow us to offer a refund to the USER for the amount paid, and they are as follows:

  • • You were unable to access the product or service due to a technical failure on the WEBSITE.
  • • You are unable to complete the service or purchase the product due to a technical failure on the WEBSITE.
  • • You never accessed the product or service. In this case, if you request a refund, we will apply for a refund fee in the amount of 10% of the amount paid.

For subscription-based services, fees paid are non-refundable, except when required by law. However, you may request a refund and immediate termination of the subscription in case of fraudulent or unauthorized use of the USER’s credit card. Should this be the case, the USER shall immediately notify GLOBAL STANDARDS through Global StandardsTraining-Online support (training-online@globalstd.com).
In order to reactivate the access to the services or CONTENT purchased, after the expiration date of its validity, GLOBAL STANDARDS will evaluate the particular circumstances for which the USER requests the reactivation to determine whether or not to carry it out.
In case of reactivation, the USER must first pay an amount equivalent to 10% of the cost of the service or CONTENTS purchased that the USER wishes to reactivate for its conclusion.
The availability on the WEBSITE of the reactivated services or CONTENTS will have a term of ten calendar days to be finalized.

In all matters related to the interpretation and compliance with the provisions herein, by the mere fact of accessing the WEBSITE, USERS agree to submit to the applicable laws and the jurisdiction of the competent courts in Mexico, waiving any other jurisdiction that by reason of their present or future domiciles, or for any other reason may correspond to them.